
UN-ACT and its partners produce a variety of publications to inform and support counter-trafficking initiatives in Southeast Asia and beyond. This section provides key publications related to human trafficking, particularly in the countries of the Greater Mekong Sub-region.

    Please select publication year

Thailand Migration Report 2019

Report providing up-to-date information on migration trends and patterns in Thailand, as well as analysis of migration-related issues and policy developments (UN Thematic Working Group on Migration, 2019)

Development Approaches to Migration and Displacement in Asia and the Pacific: Policy Brief

Policy Brief introducing UNDP's work on migration and displacement across the Asia-Pacific region in five inter-connected areas: 1) migration as a choice; 2) social cohesion; 3) sustainable development; 4) resilience; and 5) re/integration (UNDP, 2018)

Making Migration Work for All

Report by the UN's Secretary-General to the General Assembly intended as an input to the zero draft of the global compact for safe, orderly and regular migration and related intergovernmental negotiations (United Nations, 2017)

Reframing trafficking prevention: Lessons from a "Positive Deviance" approach

Keywords: anti-trafficking, NGO, positive deviance, positive deviance inquiry, Trafficking in Persons,

This study presents the results of and learning from a three-year project implemented in Albania by Fafo, Nexus Institute and Different and Equal. The project combines research and practice in an effort to identify innovative approaches to preventing human trafficking, through adaptation and implementation of "positive deviance" methodology (Fafo, NEXUS Institute and Different&Equal, 2015).

Preventing human trafficking: Positive Deviance methodology in practice

Keywords: Albania, behavior change, positive deviance,

Document discussing the experiences of authors (Rebecca Surtees and Anette Brunovskis) in developing and implementing a trafficking prevention project in Albania. It is inspired by and draws on a particular approach to behavioural and social changed called 'positive deviance' (PD). The document is intended as a resource for practitioners working in the field of trafficking prevention (NEXUS Institute, Fafo & Different&Equal, 2015)

Traffickers and Trafficking. Challenges in researching human trafficking operations

Keywords: Fishing, IOM Human trafficking database, labour trafficking, research, seafaring, trafficking, victim assistance, Victim identification,

This research paper was published as part of a collective IOM/NEXUS Institute research series, which seeks to enhance the current knowledge base on human trafficking. The series also aims to assess various methods and approaches to trafficking research in different settings and in response to different situations. This report assesses the knowns and the unknowns in the trafficking world and how these gaps in knowledge can be responded to. (IOM & NEXUS Institute, 2014).

Addressing the impact and effectiveness of anti-trafficking interventions in the criminal justice sector: a discussion paper on issues, obstacles and opportunities

Keywords: anti-trafficking, criminal justice, evaluation, TIP,

This report responds to the growing calls for transparency and accountability within the anti-trafficking sector by investigating the appropriate methods to evaluate impact and effectiveness. The research focuses in particular on measuring the successes and failures of anti-trafficking interventions in the criminal justice sector. (Gallagher et al, 2011)

Going Home. Challenges in the Reintegration of Trafficking Victims in Indonesia

Keywords: (Re)integration, ASEAN, human trafficking, Indonesia, modern slavery, TIP,

Going Home tracks the uncertain and precarious path toward recovery faced by many victims of human trafficking in Indonesia. It was published with the goal of both assisting trafficking victims as well as increasing effective prevention and control of trafficking (NEXUS Institute, 2016).

Report of the Special Rapporteur on Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children

Keywords: Global, supply chain,

Report of the Special Rapporteur on Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children to the Human Rights Council focusing on the efforts of multi-stakeholder initiatives and industry coalitions to address, through voluntary standards, trafficking in supply chains (Giammarinaro, 2017)

Thailand's Country Report on Anti-Human Trafficking Response (1 January - 31 December 2016)

Keywords: policy, Prevention, prosecution, protection, Thailand,

Report by the Thai government outlining its measures in 2016 to counter human trafficking across the areas of 'Policy', 'Prevention', 'Protection', 'Prosecution' and 'Partnerships' (Royal Thai Government, 2017)

Collateral Damage: The Impact of Anti-Trafficking Measures on Human Rights around the World

Keywords: Global, Human Rights,

Anthology reviewing the experience of a series of countries and attempts to assess what the impact of anti-trafficking measures have been for a variety of people living and working there, or migrating into or out of these countries (GAATW, 2007)

Out of the Shadows: Child Marriage and Slavery

Keywords: Children, Global, Marriage,

Report shedding light on the links between slavery and slavery-like practices and many child marriages (Anti-Slavery International, 2013)

Legal Analysis of Human Trafficking in Thailand

Keywords: Law, Thailand,

Legal gap analysis seeking to provide a comprehensive look at local laws as part of a constructive conversation on the way forward in anti-human trafficking (Liberty Asia, 2017)

White Paper: Mainstreaming Migration into Local Development Planning and Beyond

Keywords: Development, Global, migration,

White Paper aiming to identify key success factors that allow for the integration, or mainstreaming, of migration into local development planning (JMDI, 2015)

Mid-Term Evaluation of the UN-ACT Project

Keywords: Cambodia, China, evaluation, GMS, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam,

Mid-term evaluation being prepared by an independent consultant on UN-ACT including an analysis of the project's strength and recommendations for further improvements (UN-ACT, 2017)

Sold to the Sea: Human Trafficking in Thailand's Fishing Industry

Keywords: Fishing, Thailand,

Report drawing on investigations into human trafficking, exploitation and human rights abuses in the Thai fishing industry, including interviews with seven former fishing boat workers who had been trafficked from Myanmar (Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF), 2013)

Pirates and Slaves: How Overfishing in Thailand Fuels Human Trafficking and the Plundering of Our Oceans

Keywords: Fishing, Thailand,

Report bringing together a detailed explanation of how ecosystem decline generates pressures fuelling the widespread use of slavery throughout an industry. It outlines how the collapse of fish stocks in Thailand’s marine capture fisheries has directly contributed to the widespread use of modern slavery in the fishing industry as well as uncontrolled pirate fishing; all in order to meet the demands of the country’s highly lucrative, export-driven seafood sector (Environmental Justice Foundation (EJF), 2015)

Situational Analysis of the Commercial Exploitation of Children: Thailand

Keywords: Sexual Exploitation, Thailand,

Report investigating and analysing the magnitude, nature, context and trends of the commercial sexual exploitation of children in Thailand (ECPAT International and UNICEF, 2015)

The role of ASEAN labour attaches in the protection of migrant workers

Keywords: ASEAN, labour migration,

Policy brief discussing the role and functioning of labour attaches in enhancing the protection of migrant workers in ASEAN. It also outlines examples from different countries and discusses available support for labour attaches, including for capacity building purposes (ILO, 2015)

Work in fishing in the ASEAN region: Protecting the rights of migrant fishers

Keywords: ASEAN, Fishing,

Report providing a snapshot of the legislation, policies, support services and tools available to improve the protection of migrant fishers in ASEAN. It seeks to provide valuable, additional information to the existing tools available for policy makers and other stakeholders working towards a stronger system of protection for ASEAN migrant fishers (ILO, 2014)

Sex workers speak. Who listens?

Keywords: Global, sex work,

A volume of various contributions addressing the violence, exploitation, abuse, and trafficking present in the sex industries, from the perspective of sex workers themselves (Beyond Trafficking and Slavery (BTS), 2016)

Rights to Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and of Association

Keywords: Domestic Workers, Global, global supply chains, Labour, Migrant Workers, United Nations,

This report by the UN Special Rapporteur examines the exercise and enjoyment of the rights to freedom of peaceful assembly and of association in the workplace, with a focus on the most marginalized portions of the world’s labour force, including global supply chain workers, informal workers, migrant workers, domestic workers and others (UN, 2016)  

Hedging Risk by Combating Human Trafficking: Insights from the Private Sector

Keywords: Global, private sector,

Report outlining how the private sector is interwoven with human trafficking and what it can do to help address the problem, with a special emphasis on certain key industries in this context (World Economic Forum, 2014)

Addressing Human Trafficking and Exploitation in Times of Crisis

Keywords: Crisis, Global,

Background document providing evidence-based recommendations to the humanitarian community, particularly professionals interested in and/or already working to counter human trafficking and exploitation, in the various phases of a crisis (before, during and after), with a focus on armed conflicts, natural disasters and protracted crises (IOM, 2015)

Regional Review on Laws, Policies and Practices within ASEAN relating to the Identification, Management and Treatment of Victims of Trafficking, especially Women and Children

Keywords: ASEAN,

Review providing a description and assessment of laws, policies and practices within the ASEAN region related to trafficking in persons, and hence supporting the implementation of the ASEAN Convention against Trafficking in Persons, especially Women and Children (ACTIP) and its Plan of Action (APA) (ASEAN, 2016)

Corporate Human Rights Benchmark: Pilot Methodology 2016

Keywords: Global, Human Rights,

Report on the first-ever ranking of the world's largest publicly listed companies on their human rights performance through incorporating six measurement themes. Following a pilot benchmark process, the organization will rank the top 100 companies in the agricultural products, apparel, and extractive industries using this published methodology, developed over two years and in consultation with over 400 companies, industry associations, investors, governments, civil society representatives, academics and lawyers (Corporate Human Rights Benchmark, 2016)

UN-ACT 2015 Annual Report

Keywords: GMS,

UN-ACT’s 2015 Annual Report outlining the Project’s progress across all output areas, including case studies, challenges and the way forward (UN-ACT, 2015)

United Nations Global Plan of Action to Combat Trafficking in Persons

Keywords: Global, Prevention, prosecution, protection,

The UN's Global Plan of Action to Combat Trafficking in Persons as adopted by the General Assembly, with the objective to promote comprehensive, rights-based, coordinated and consistent responses among all relevant actors (UN General Assembly, 2010)

Recommended principles to guide actions concerning children on the move and other children affected by migration

Keywords: Children, Global,

9 recommended principles intended to influence policy makers and other stakeholders responsible for implementing measures that affect the rights and needs of children on the move and others affected by migration (Jacqueline Bhabha and Mike Dottridge, 2016)

12 UN-ACT Results at a Glance

Keywords: Cambodia, China, GMS, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam,

2-pager outlining key results of UN-ACT programming in 2014 and 2015, broken down by the project's 4 output areas (UN-ACT, 2016)

China Practitioner Forum on the (Re)integration of Victims of Human Trafficking

Keywords: (Re)integration, China, COMMIT,

Report of the China Practitioner Forum on (Re)Integration of Trafficked Persons as held in all six GMS countries, mapping out and analyzing existing (re)integration assistance mechanisms in the (sub-)region as part of the COMMIT (Re)Integration Initiative (UNIAP, 2010)

ICT Benchmark Findings Report

Keywords: Global, ICT,

Benchmark report assessing 20 publicly traded ICT companies on the transparency of their efforts to eradicate forced labour from their global supply chains (KnowTheChain, 2016)

From every angle: Using the law to combat human trafficking in Southeast Asia

Keywords: Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Myanmar, prosecution, Thailand, Vietnam,

Report analyzing human trafficking legislation in 7 jurisdictions - namely Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand and Viet Nam - based on various scenarios of human trafficking, and aimed at providing front-line NGOs engaged in legal service provision and lawyers representing victims of trafficking with information on ways to pursue traffickers (Liberty Asia & Thomson Reuters Foundation, 2014)

Social protection for domestic workers: Key policy trends and statistics

Keywords: domestic work, protection,

Policy paper providing an overview of the global situation of social security provisions for domestic workers in 163 countries; analysing trends, policies and gaps in terms of legal and effective social security coverage for domestic workers; and outlining a compilation and description of international practices of social security schemes for the domestic work sector, including comparative information (ILO, 2016)

Regulating recruitment of migrant workers: A policy position paper of the ASEAN Confederation of Employers

Keywords: ASEAN, recruitment,

Policy paper outlining policy positions on the regulatory environment for recruiting, placing and protecting ASEAN migrant workers (ACE, 2016)

Prevention and Elimination of Bonded Labour: The potential and limits of microfinance-led approaches

Keywords: Prevention, protection,

Report documenting the learning processes of organizations that have experimented with different approaches to micro-finance and bonded labour. It highlights the importance of adopting a holistic and integrated approach, including social, economic, political and judicial interventions at individual, household, community and higher levels (ILO, 2014)

UN-ACT Project Brochure

Keywords: Cambodia, China, GMS, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam,

UN-ACT brochure outlining the evolution of the project and its position today as a ‘coordinator’ and ‘innovator’ at the strategic intersection of governance, policy, research and direct interventions in Southeast Asia's counter-trafficking efforts (UN-ACT, 2016)

Global Labour Recruitment in a Supply Chain Context

Keywords: ILO, Labour, recruitment, supply chains,

Working paper seeking to advance and share knowledge on policies, laws, emerging practices and challenges related to the recruitment of workers within and across countries. It aims to stimulate further discussion and effective action to foster fair recruitment practices, prevent human trafficking and to reduce the costs of labour migration (ILO, 2015)

Modern Slavery and Corruption

Keywords: corruption,

Briefing Paper introducing and examining the relationships between the occurrence of corruption, slavery and human trafficking; the prevailing laws/regulations; various industry sectors, banking and finance; and law enforcement both from a banking and securities enforcement perspective and more the familiar criminal enforcement (Liberty Asia and The Freedom Fund, 2015)

Working against Trafficking through the Multilateral System - A study Coordination Between UN Agencies at Global, Regional and National Levels

Keywords: Coordination, Global, regional, trafficking, UN,

This is a report commissioned by the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs on working against Trafficking through the Multilateral System (Sweden, 2012).

Border Control in the Greater Mekong Sub-region: Baseline, challenges and opportunities to build effective law enforcement response to organized crime along land borders

Keywords: Border control, GMS, Law enforcement, Organised Crime, UNODC,

This is a report on the baseline, challenges and opportunities to build effective law enforcement response to organized crime along land borders in the Greater Mekong Sub-region (UNODC, 2013).

The Mekong Challenge. Human Trafficking: Redefining Demand

Keywords: Children, human trafficking, ILO, Mekong, trafficking, Women,

This is a report published by the ILO's Mekong Sub-regional Project to Combat Trafficking in Children and Women on Destination factors in the trafficking of children and young women in the Mekong sub-region (ILO, 2005).  

#IAmMigrantToo Migrant Working Group 2015 Report

Keywords: Migrants, Thailand,

This is the 2015 report of the Migrant Working Group in Thailand (2015).

A Report of Migrant Children & Child Labourers and Seafood Processing in Thailand's Fishing Industry

Keywords: child labour, Children, Fishing, Migrants, seafood, Thailand,

This is a report produced on the prevalence of migrant children and child labourers in the Thailand seafood processing and fishing industries (terre des hommes Germany and LPN, 2015).

Coordination and role of key stakeholders in setting up and implementing policies and procedures to facilitate recruitment, preparation, protection abroad, and return and reintegration: Background paper to the 7th AFML

Keywords: (Re)integration, ASEAN, Coordination, ILO, Migrant Workers, protection, recruitment,

This is a report produced for the Tripartite Action for the Protection and Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers in the ASEAN Region (ASEAN TRIANGLE Project) on the Coordination and role of key stakeholders in setting up and implementing policies and procedures to facilitate recruitment, preparation, protection abroad, and return and reintegration (ILO, 2015).  

Summary Report: Consultation on the role of regional and sub-regional mechanisms in international efforts to counter trafficking in persons, especially in women and children convened by the UN Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially women and children, Ms. Joy Ngozi Ezeilo

Keywords: Children, trafficking, UN Special Rapporteur, UNHCR, Women,

This is a summary report of the Consultation on the role of regional and sub-regional mechanisms in international efforts to counter trafficking in persons, especially in women and children convened by the UN Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially women and children, Ms. Joy Ngozi Ezeilo (UNHCR, 2010).

A Raw Deal: Abuses of Thai Workers in Israel's Agricultural Sector

Keywords: Agricultural, Human righhts, Israel, Thailand,

This is a Human Rights Watch report into abuses of Thai workers in Israel's agricultural sector (Human Rights Watch, 2015)

Supply Chained: Human rights abuses in the global tuna industry

Keywords: Fishing, Human Rights,

This is report published by Greenpeace into the human rights abuses in the global tuna industry (Greenpeace, 2015).

Child Labour Report 2015: Migrant Child Labour in the Thai Shrimp Industry

Keywords: Child, child labour, Fishing, Thailand,

This is a report into the involvement of migrant child labour in the Thai shrimp industry (Terre des Hommes International Federation, 2015)

Inaccurate Numbers, Inadequate Policies: Enhancing Data to Evaluate the Prevalence of Human Trafficking in ASEAN

Keywords: Data, trafficking,

This is a report written by Jessie Brunner and published by the East-West Center on Enhancing Data to Evaluate the Prevalence of Human Trafficking in ASEAN (East-West Center, 2015)

Trafficking of Fishermen in Thailand

Keywords: Fishing, IOM, Thailand, trafficking,

This is a report published by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) Thailand on the trafficking of fishermen in the Thai fishing industry (IOM, 2011).

Review of the effectiveness of the MOUs in managing labour migration between Thailand and neighbouring countries

Keywords: Cambodia, ILO, Labour, Laos, migration, Myanmar, Thailand,

Review assessing the MOUs signed between Thailand and Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar, and putting forward policy and operational recommendations for more effective MOUs that reflect and complement the changes in the landscape, and will lead to more safe and orderly migration that results in decent work. The assessment and recommendations consider the MOUs’ scope and objectives, the extent to which they meet the needs of workers and employers, and the implementation and review mechanisms (ILO, 2015)

Report on the 10th COMMIT Senior Officials and 4th Inter-Ministerial Meeting

Report summarising the proceedings and outcomes including speeches and presentations of the 10th Senior Officials and 4th Inter-Ministerial Meeting of the COMMIT Process in Phnom Penh, Cambodia on 28-30 April 2015 (COMMIT, 2015)

Preventing Trafficking in Persons by Addressing Demand

Keywords: Forced Labour,

Policy papers providing guidance to organizations and practitioners by mapping out the dimensions of demand as it relates specifically to trafficking in persons for labour exploitation, as well as highlighting strategies that can be used to address this aspect of the problem (ICAT, 2014)

Abuse of a Position of Vulnerability and Other 'Means' within the Definition of Trafficking in Persons

Keywords: Vulnerability,

Issue Paper providing an overview and analysis of the international legal and policy framework around 'abuse of a position of vulnerability' and related concepts. It also summarises and discusses the results of a survey conducted of national law and practice, and draws together the findings from legislation, case laws and views of practitioners on key issues and questions in this context (UNODC, 2013)

The Concept of 'Exploitation' in the Trafficking in Persons Protocol

Keywords: exploitation,

Issue paper providing an overview and analysis of the international legal and policy framework around 'exploitation', particularly in the context of the Trafficking in Persons Protocol. It also provides a summary and analysis of the results of a survey conducted of national law and practice concerning 'exploitation' in relation to human trafficking (UNODC, 2015)

Human Trafficking & Global Supply Chains

Keywords: global supply chains, human trafficking,

A reference document for the expert meeting convened by Ms. Joy Ngozi Ezeilo, UN Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons, especially women and children. The paper provides an overview of the ways human trafficking can impact global trade and production chains of multinational enterprises. (Verité, 2012)

Reflections from the Greater Mekong-Sub-region on the Occasion of the 10th Anniversary of COMMIT

Keywords: Cambodia, China, COMMIT, GMS, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam,

Booklet featuring a compilation of reflections by senior government officials from the GMS, on their respective countries’ experiences as members of COMMIT over the  past ten years (COMMIT, 2015)

COMMIT Resource Book

Keywords: Cambodia, China, COMMIT, GMS, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam,

The COMMIT Resource Book pooling together contact details of key anti-trafficking stakeholders from both governmental and non-governmental organizations in all GMS countries organized by area of work and responsibilities (COMMIT, 2015)

The Role of 'Corruption' in Trafficking in Persons

Keywords: corruption,

Issue Paper outlining patterns of corruption in trafficking in persons focusing mainly on corruption of public officials, and comprising a brief study of relevant international legal instruments. The paper also provides practical guidance on ways, through which corruption in human trafficking can be addressed (Anti-Slavery International, Transparency International, UNODC, 2011)

The Role of ‘Consent’ in Trafficking in Persons Protocol

Keywords: consent, trafficking,

Issue Paper providing an overview and analysis of the international legal and policy framework as well as national laws and practices around consent and related concepts in the context of human trafficking (UNODC, 2014)

UN-ACT 2014 Annual Report

Keywords: GMS,

UN-ACT's 2014 Annual Report outlining the Project's progress across all output areas, including case studies, challenges and the way forward (UN-ACT, 2015)


Keywords: COMMIT, GMS,

Final report on the implementation of the third COMMIT Sub-regional Plan of Action (SPA III), which guided regional-level anti-trafficking interventions in the Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS) between 2011 and 2014 (COMMIT, 2015)

Speech by Karen Emmons at COMMIT SOM10/IMM4

Keywords: Speech,

Speech by Karen Emmons, Journalist, at the COMMIT SOM/IMM in Phnom Penh, Cambodia on 28 April 2015 about the importance of the media in anti-trafficking, and calling for more engagement between governments and journalists (Emmons, 2015)

UN-ACT Project Brief

Keywords: GMS,

A 2-page document outlining the human trafficking situation globally and in the Greater Mekong Sub-region, as well as introducing UN-ACT as a project and how it helps counter human trafficking in the sub-region (UN-ACT, 2014)

Human Rights and Human Trafficking: Fact Sheet No. 36

Keywords: Global, Human Rights,

A publication by OHCHR as part of its Fact Sheet series, exploring the nexus between human rights and human trafficking. It also discusses the obligations of states in this context, and how these can be implemented and monitored (OHCHR, 2014)

Report for the Consultation Workshop on Strategic Visioning for Post-2013 Coordinated Efforts in Anti-Trafficking in Lao PDR

Keywords: Laos,

Report of an anti-trafficking visioning workshop in Lao PDR, at which a wider range of anti-trafficking stakeholders convened to develop a vision for counter-trafficking interventions in the Greater Mekong Sub-region over a 5-year period, including concrete results to be achieved (UNIAP, 2013)

Report for the Consultation Workshop on Strategic Visioning for Post-2013 Coordinated Efforts in Anti-Trafficking in Vietnam

Keywords: Vietnam,

Report of an anti-trafficking visioning workshop in Vietnam, at which a wider range of anti-trafficking stakeholders convened to develop a vision for counter-trafficking interventions in the Greater Mekong Sub-region over a 5-year period, including concrete results to be achieved (UNIAP, 2013)

Report for the Consultation Workshop on Strategic Visioning for Post-2013 Coordinated Efforts in Anti-Trafficking in Thailand

Keywords: Thailand,

Report of an anti-trafficking visioning workshop in Thailand, at which a wider range of anti-trafficking stakeholders convened to develop a vision for counter-trafficking interventions in the Greater Mekong Sub-region over a 5-year period, including concrete results to be achieved (UNIAP, 2013)

Report for the Regional Consultation Workshop on Strategic Visioning for Post-2013 Coordinated Efforts in Anti-Trafficking

Keywords: GMS,

Report of a regional anti-trafficking visioning workshop, at which a wider range of anti-trafficking stakeholders convened to develop a vision for counter-trafficking interventions in the Greater Mekong Sub-region over a 5-year period, including concrete results to be achieved (UNIAP, 2013)

Report for the Consultation Workshop on Strategic Visioning for Post-2013 Coordinated Efforts in Anti-Trafficking in Myanmar

Keywords: Myanmar,

Report of an anti-trafficking visioning workshop in Myanmar, at which a wider range of anti-trafficking stakeholders convened to develop a vision for counter-trafficking interventions in the Greater Mekong Sub-region over a 5-year period, including concrete results to be achieved (UNIAP, 2013)

Report for the Consultation Workshop on Strategic Visioning for Post-2013 Coordinated Efforts in Anti-Trafficking in China

Keywords: China,

Report of an anti-trafficking visioning workshop in China, at which a wider range of anti-trafficking stakeholders convened to develop a vision for counter-trafficking interventions in the Greater Mekong Sub-region over a 5-year period, including concrete results to be achieved (UNIAP, 2013)

Report for the Consultation Workshop on Strategic Visioning for Post-2013 Coordinated Efforts in Anti-Trafficking in Cambodia

Keywords: Cambodia,

Report of an anti-trafficking visioning workshop in Cambodia, at which a wider range of anti-trafficking stakeholders convened to develop a vision for counter-trafficking interventions in the Greater Mekong Sub-region over a 5-year period, including concrete results to be achieved (UNIAP, 2013)

Counter-Trafficking Needs Assessment

Keywords: Cambodia, Capacity, China, GMS, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, training, Vietnam,

A report analyzing data on the trainings conducted on human trafficking in the GMS countries from 2003-2008; on trainings planned up to 2010; as well as on the participants in these trainings. The assessment also identifies the key areas where there is a need for capacity building, both geographically and in roles and responsibilities related to human trafficking (UNIAP, 2009)

UNIAP Final Report Phase III (2007-2014)

Keywords: Cambodia, China, GMS, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam,

The final report of UNIAP Phase III covering the years 2007 to 2014. The report provides an account of UNIAP's work over the 7 year period including key achievements and challenges faced, and links them to the development of its successor project, UN-ACT (UNIAP/UN-ACT, 2014)

SIREN TH-03: Trafficking victim participation in the Thai criminal justice process

Keywords: Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, prosecution, SIREN, Thailand,

Siren report on a technical consultation in March 2012 amongst criminal justice and victim protection practitioners from Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Thailand analyzing the challenges in the criminal justice process on human trafficking in Thailand. The discussions were underpinned by video statements by Myanmar and Cambodian trafficked persons who had previously participated in the judicial process in Thailand (UNIAP, 2013)

SIREN: 2010 Mekong Region Country Datasheets

Keywords: GMS, SIREN,

SIREN publication outlining the trafficking situation and the counter-trafficking responses in each of the countries of the GMS region (UNIAP, 2010)

SIREN GMS-08: The Criminal Justice Response to Human Trafficking

Keywords: GMS, prosecution, SIREN,

SIREN report highlighting progress and shortcomings in the criminal justice response to human trafficking in the Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS) (UNIAP, 2010)

SIREN GMS-07: Re-thinking Reintegration

Keywords: (Re)integration, GMS, Phillippines, protection, SIREN, Thailand,

SIREN report on the accounts of Philippine and Thai self-returned and assisted victims of trafficking on their needs, challenges, and desires, and how the reintegration assistance they received helped or hindered their recovery (UNIAP, 2009)

SIREN CB-04: Cambodia - Exodus to the Sex Trade?

Keywords: Cambodia, SIREN,

SIREN report on the financial crisis in Cambodia and how it affects the prevalence and patterns of human trafficking (UNIAP, 2009)

SIREN CB-03: Exploitation of Cambodian Men at Sea

Keywords: Cambodia, labour migration, Malaysia, SIREN, Thailand,

SIREN report comprising a fact sheet on the recruitment, trafficking and exploitation of Cambodian men onto Thai fishing boats, based on 49 cases of victims who escaped in Thailand or Malaysia and were assisted in their return home (UNIAP, 2009)

SIREN UK-01: Raids, Rescue, Resolution

Keywords: SIREN,

SIREN report introducing the methods and experiences of a special anti-trafficking operation in the UK, during which 167 trafficked persons were rescued (UNIAP, 2008)

SIREN GMS-06: Raids, Rescue, and Resolution

Keywords: GMS, SIREN,

SIREN report resulting from a technical consultation initiated by UNIAP, ILO and ARTIP to talk practically about raids and rescues and how they fit into the bigger picture of combatting human trafficking and exploitation (UNIAP, 2008)

SIREN: GMS-05: Why Victims of Trafficking Decline Assistance

Keywords: GMS, protection, SIREN,

SIREN report analyzing the situations of trafficking victims and their opinions about the protection services they were or were not offered, for the purpose of identifying potential improvements in victim protection (UNIAP, 2008)

SIREN TH-02: What do Lawyers Require to Prosecute Trafficking and Slavery in Thailand?

Keywords: prosecution, SIREN, Thailand,

SIREN report seeking to provide front-line NGOs and authorities with a better understanding of criminal justice procedures and how these groups can work together to more successfully prosecute traffickers, exploiters, and enslavers (UNIAP, 2008)

SIREN GMS-02: Targeting Endemic Vulnerability Factors to Human Trafficking

Keywords: GMS, Prevention, SIREN,

SIREN report on what makes a person or community vulnerable to human trafficking, looking at the evidence behind common assumptions such as poverty or lack of education (UNIAP, 2007)

SIREN CB-02: Exploitation of Cambodian Men at Sea

Keywords: Cambodia, fisheries, labour migration, SIREN,

SIREN report on the analysis of the recruitment and work conditions of eleven Cambodian migrant workers on fishing boats in Thailand (UNIAP, 2007)

SIREN CB-01: Counter-Trafficking Databases in Cambodia

Keywords: Cambodia, SIREN,

SIREN report identifying the existing government databases containing information on human trafficking in Cambodia, and presenting recommendations for the systematic provision of consistent, reliable and targeted information on the situation of human trafficking relating to Cambodia (UNIAP, 2007)

SIREN TH-1: From Facilitation to Trafficking

Keywords: labour migration, SIREN, Thailand,

SIREN report on the methods of debt bondage and sub-contracting putting the control of migrant workers in the hands of brokers in Samut Sakhon, Thailand (UNIAP, 2007)

SIREN GMS-1: Introduction to SIREN

Keywords: GMS, SIREN,

Introduction to UNIAP's ' Strategic Information Response Network' (SIREN) Initiative, intended to deliver high quality, responsive, and up-to-date data and analysis on emerging issues within the human trafficking sector in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region (UNIAP, 2007)

Myanmar Practitioner Forum on the (Re)integration of Victims of Human Trafficking

Keywords: (Re)integration, COMMIT, Myanmar,

Report of the Myanmar Practitioner Forum on (Re)Integration of Trafficked Persons as held in all six GMS countries, mapping out and analyzing existing (re)integration assistance mechanisms in the (sub-)region as part of the COMMIT (Re)Integration Initiative (UNIAP, 2011)

Lao PDR Practitioner Forum on the (Re)integration of Victims of Human Trafficking

Keywords: (Re)integration, COMMIT, Laos,

Report of the Lao PDR Practitioner Forum on (Re)Integration of Trafficked Persons as held in all six GMS countries, mapping out and analyzing existing (re)integration assistance mechanisms in the (sub-)region as part of the COMMIT (Re)Integration Initiative (UNIAP, 2011)

Cambodia Practitioner Forum on the (Re)integration of Victims of Human Trafficking

Keywords: (Re)integration, Cambodia, COMMIT,

Report of the Cambodia Practitioner Forum on (Re)Integration of Trafficked Persons as held in all six GMS countries, mapping out and analyzing existing (re)integration assistance mechanisms in the (sub-)region as part of the COMMIT (Re)Integration Initiative (UNIAP, 2011)

(Re)Integration: Perspectives of Victim Service Agencies on Successes & Challenges in Trafficking Victim (Re)Integration in the Greater Mekong Sub-Region

Keywords: (Re)integration, Cambodia, China, COMMIT, GMS, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam,

A publication analyzing the outcomes from a series of national-level practitioner forums on (re)integration of trafficked persons, outlining the official (re)integration procedures in each country, and identifying a number of key challenges from the perspectives of service providers (UNIAP, 2012)

Report for the Regional Consultation Workshop on Strategic Visioning of Anti-Trafficking Efforts Post-2013

Keywords: GMS,

Regional-level report from a series of visioning workshops conducted in each of the 6 GMS countries and at the regional level, bringing together key stakeholders from all sectors and defining a vision for post-2015 anti-trafficking interventions in the sub-region (UNIAP, 2013)

Report for the Consultation Workshop on Strategic Visioning for Post- 2013 Coordinated Efforts in Anti-trafficking in Viet Nam

Keywords: Vietnam,

Viet Nam report from a series of visioning workshops conducted in each of the 6 GMS countries and at the regional level, bringing together key stakeholders from all sectors and defining a vision for post-2015 anti-trafficking interventions in the sub-region (UNIAP, 2013)

Report for the Consultation Workshop on Strategic Visioning for Post- 2013 Coordinated Efforts in Anti-trafficking in Thailand

Keywords: Thailand,

Thailand report from a series of visioning workshops conducted in each of the 6 GMS countries and at the regional level, bringing together key stakeholders from all sectors and defining a vision for post-2015 anti-trafficking interventions in the sub-region (UNIAP, 2013)

Report for the Consultation Workshop on Strategic Visioning for Post- 2013 Coordinated Efforts in Anti-trafficking in Myanmar

Keywords: Myanmar,

Myanmar report from a series of visioning workshops conducted in each of the 6 GMS countries and at the regional level, bringing together key stakeholders from all sectors and defining a vision for post-2015 anti-trafficking interventions in the sub-region (UNIAP, 2013)

Report for the Consultation Workshop on Strategic Visioning for Post- 2013 Coordinated Efforts in Anti-trafficking in Lao PDR

Keywords: Laos,

Lao PDR report from a series of visioning workshops conducted in each of the 6 GMS countries and at the regional level, bringing together key stakeholders from all sectors and defining a vision for post-2015 anti-trafficking interventions in the sub-region (UNIAP, 2013)

Report for the Consultation Workshop on Strategic Visioning for Post- 2013 Coordinated Efforts in Anti-trafficking in China

Keywords: China,

China report from a series of visioning workshops conducted in each of the 6 GMS countries and at the regional level, bringing together key stakeholders from all sectors and defining a vision for post-2015 anti-trafficking interventions in the sub-region (UNIAP, 2013)  

Report for the Consultation Workshop on Strategic Visioning for Post- 2013 Coordinated Efforts in Anti-trafficking in Cambodia

Keywords: Cambodia,

Cambodia report from a series of visioning workshops conducted in each of the 6 GMS countries and at the regional level, bringing together key stakeholders from all sectors and defining a vision for post-2015 anti-trafficking interventions in the sub-region (UNIAP, 2013)